Wednesday, September 8, 2010


OTTAWA- The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate Wednesday by 25 basis points to 1%, arguing financial conditions remain “exceptionally stimulative” even in the face of a slowing -- but still growing -- economy.

In its accompanying statement, the central bank acknowledged the economic recovery in Canada would be “slightly more gradual” than envisaged it its most-recent economic outlook, due to sluggish private-sector demand in the United States. However, it said domestic demand was expected to be “solid” and business investment to advance “strongly” -- powered by “accommodative” credit conditions that have eased further in recent weeks due to sharp declines in bond yields.

Banks price loans, such as mortgages, based on yields for relatively safe government debt.

The statement provided no suggestion the central bank was set to keep rates on hold for an indefinite period, as some analysts now expect.

“As a result of monetary policy measures taken since April, financial conditions in Canada have tightened modestly but remain exceptionally stimulative,” the central bank said.

For instance, consumers continue to take out loans at a steady pace, with central bank data suggesting household credit expanded at an annualized 7.1% pace for the three-month period ended July 31.

The Bank of Canada said future hikes in its key lending rate, up 75 basis points in the past three months, “would need to be carefully considered in light of the unusual uncertainty surrounding the outlook.”

This decision may come as a bit of a surprise for traders, who have been largely divided as to which way Mark Carney, the central bank governor, and his colleagues would lean toward in the face of slower than anticipated economic growth. Markets had priced in a roughly 60% chance of a rate hike, and those odds increased over the past week from a less than 50-50 chance based on better-than-expected manufacturing and labour data in the United States.

Canadian GDP expanded 2% annualized in the second quarter, well below the central bank’s forecast of 3%. However, analysts have said the economy was stronger than the headline print indicated, as final domestic demand advanced at a robust pace (3.5%). Plus, much of the drag in the second-quarter was from so-called “import leakage,” in which gains in imports -- as firms acquired productivity-enhancing equipment at the fastest pace since 2005 -- outstripped exports.

Of the GDP results, the Bank of Canada said economic activity “was slightly softer” than expected, “although consumption and investment have evolved largely as anticipated.”

The central bank is likely pleased at the turnaround in business investment, which it has argued is required for the recovery to maintain momentum once consumer spending tapers off. Plus, investment from firms in productivity-enhancing technology is required to ensure future growth.

The bank said the Canadian recovery would be “slightly more gradual than it had projected in July … largely reflecting a weak profile for U.S. activity.” The U.S. Federal Reserve has said it was prepared to take further action if required to stoke the recovery, although officials at the powerful central bank are unsure such measures are required.

The Bank of Canada said inflation -- which the central bank aims through rate decisions to hit and maintain a 2% level -- has been “broadly in line” with expectations and “its dynamics are essentially unchanged.”

In terms of the global picture, it said the recovery is proceeding “but remains uneven, balancing strong activity in emerging market economies with weak growth in some advanced countries.” As for the United States, the world’s biggest economy and Canada’s biggest trading partner, the central bank said the recovery in private demand is “being held back by high unemployment and recent indicators suggest a more muted recovery in the near term.”

Economists have scaled back growth expectations for both Canada and the United States, although at the same time boosting the forecast for Europe as its major economies are advancing better than expected following the sovereign debt crisis in the spring.

The central bank is scheduled to provide an updated economic outlook next month, two days following its next rate decision on Oct. 19. Previously, the central bank had forecast 3.5% economic growth this year, followed by 2.9% expansion in 2011. The output gap -- a rough measure of the amount of excess capacity in the economy -- is expected to close by the end of 2011.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010


TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Sept. 3, 2010) - Greater Toronto REALTORS® reported 6,232 sales through the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in August 2010.

his represented a 22 per cent decrease compared to the 8,035 sales recorded during the same period in 2009. New listings decreased by one per cent year-over-year to 10,488.

"The prospect of interest rate hikes and new mortgage lending rules prompted some households to purchase a home sooner than they otherwise would have this year. The result has been a larger than normal dip in sales over the summer months. With this said, it is important to recognize that sales on the year were eight per cent higher than in 2009," said Toronto Real Estate Board President Bill Johnston.

The average price for August transactions was $411,012 – up six per cent compared to the average of $387,921 reported in August 2009.

"Market conditions have remained tight enough to support higher home prices in comparison to last year. Under current mortgage lending standards, a household earning the average income in the GTA can comfortably afford the mortgage payments on an average priced home. Market conditions and the affordability picture would have to change dramatically before a sustained drop in the average selling price would take place," said Jason Mercer, TREB's Senior Manager of Market Analysis.

Source: Toronto Real Estate Board

Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Increase In Mortgage Costs Seen For September

Homeowners aren’t likely to face higher mortgage costs for at least the next month and some banks may even follow the Bank of Montreal in cutting new fixed-rate loans to compete for a dwindling number of buyers, specialists said.

According to a panel of mortgage experts polled by online mortgage rate comparison site, both fixed-rate and floating rate mortgages will remain unchanged for the next 30 to 45 days.

The sharper-than-expected slowdown in the Canadian economy, which grew at 2% in the second quarter, coupled with a barrage of negative data from the U.S., has increased the likelihood that Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney will pause in his interest rate tightening cycle in September.

Before Tuesday’s gross domestic product numbers, most economists had expected one more increase before rates went on hold.

“Two weeks ago I would have said an increase of 0.25% for sure but with the recent weakening in the economy, governor Carney may be best to sit pat,” said Elisseos Iriotakis, president of Safebridge Financial.

On the fixed-rate side the trend may still be towards further cuts.

The Bank of Montreal on Wednesday said it was offering a special 3.59% rate on a five-year fixed mortgage, down from 3.79%. It was the 12th consecutive fixed-rate cut since April.

Banks typically fund their fixed-rate mortgage lending from instruments tied to bond yields. The ongoing rally in the fixed-income market has meant they are able to continue to offer lower rates, even though the Bank of Canada has raised its prime rate twice since June.

“Deflation worries and risk aversion are holding yields down in the bond market,” panel member Larry MacDonald, an economist and author said.

Banks are also chasing fewer buyers, with housing sales dropping 6.8% in July from the previous month and 30% from the previous year, according to the latest statistics from the Canadian Real Estate Association.

That said, the other Big Five banks may not be as keen as BMO to shave rates to the bone.

“Big banks are not fond of overt rate competition,” Robert McLister, editor of leading mortgage news publication Canadian Mortgage Trends said in an e-mail. “Unless bankers dramatically alter their business models, a public rate battle among the Big 5 is unlikely.”

More likely is some kind of selective discounting, McLister said. That may entail giving their sales force greater discretion in offering special rates to clients.

“TD, RBC and BMO have each taken a stab at no-haggle pricing in the past, but only for a limited time,” he said. “As soon as margins compressed or their market share objectives were met they quickly went back to the tried and true.”

McLister said BMO may be pushing to win back market share, which slipped to 9.3% in the third quarter from 9.8% the same period last year, according to the banks quarterly presentation slides.

By Sharon Singleton, QMI Agency