Monday, November 22, 2010

Home Buying Checklist: The Process Of Buying Your New Home

Once you've made the decision to buy a home, it's time to start thinking about what comes next. Every buyer needs a checklist that will guide them through the process of searching for the perfect home, evaluating their choices and making a purchase.

Learn The Lingo

When you set out to buy a new home, you will need to familiarize yourself with various real estate terms, conduct research on the market value of homes in the area in which you intend to shop and learn the art of negotiation. This information will help as you browse homes, talk with realtors and get further into the buying process. (Ask about our FREE Refferal Service)

Check Your Credit Report

Obtain a copy of your credit report from each of the major credit reporting agencies - Equifax, and TransUnion. You should make this request before you begin looking at homes in order to allow yourself enough time to identify and dispute any inaccuracies in your credit file(s). When you approach a broker, you will need to make sure that everything is correct and up-to-date.

Get Pre-Approved

Getting a pre approval is important! Knowing what you can afford beforehand will save you both time and disappointment in looking at homes that do not fit your budget.
Get your pre approval in as little as 24 h rs here

Make An Offer
Once you find the perfect home, make an offer that's less than you are actually willing to pay. (Ask your realtor for advice as market conditions vary). This way, the seller can make a counteroffer that would hopefully still be within your budget. It's important to familiarize yourself with the art of negotiation so that can learn how to get the best deal without insulting the seller. If you have not yet been pre-approved, make sure that your offer is contingent upon your being able to obtain the necessary financing.
Obtain A Loan
Once you and the seller agree on a purchase price, you may be required to provide an earnest money deposit that will secure the home as you obtain a loan (if applicable). Depending on the situation you may require a home inspection and appraisal for the property in connection with your loan application. In most cases, you will know within 24 hours whether or not your application is approved, but the actual closing will not occur until the inspection and appraisal are complete.
Get Moving
Now that the papers are signed and you have the keys to your new home, it's time to get moving - literally. Remember to decorate your new home and add all of those special touches that reflect your personality. After all, a house is only a house until you make it a home.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Great Tips on Decorating "Green" For Christmas

Christmas is probably one of the easiest times of the year to use environmentally friendly decorating ideas, and given the more traditional decorating trends for the season and the ever increasing need for all of us to contribute to making the planet a greener place, it's never been easier. Here a few great ways to decorate your home for the holidays and be greener at the same time!

Green Tree Ideas

Replace your old Christmas lights with new LED lights. They use less electricity and last longer than the older ones.

If you put up a real tree for the holidays consider using a live tree that you can plant after the holidays, be sure you recycle your tree after the season is over.
Only purchase your real tree from a Christmas tree farm or retailer who purchases from farms. Never cut down a tree in a conservation area or in a public park.

Consider using an artificial tree; be sure that it is recyclable and not made using any harmful materials or chemicals.

Use natural products to decorate your tree. Berries, popcorn, and other food items that don't perish quickly are a great addition to any tree.

Green Home Décor Ideas

Use real garland and other decorations from nature. Most garden centers are great places to get environmentally friendly decorations for the Christmas season.

Be sure that you purchase decorations and other holiday items that are durable and reusable year after year. If you want holiday tableware avoid the paper kind, and choose products that are made locally using environmentally friendly products.

If you put lights on the exterior of your home you may want to reduce the number of hours you turn them on each day, and only have them on when someone is home.

For wrapping and gift giving, use papers and materials that are reusable and recyclable.

These are just a few ideas that you can use to make your Christmas more green while still keeping the holiday spirit alive! .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 Reasons You May Consider Refinancing:  

Invest Your Money

You've come up with an excellent business idea but no one wants to take a risk on your proposal. But if you're really sure about the profitability of your business plan then why not take the risk yourself? Refinance your home mortgage and use the cash you'll get from it to start your own business. You may be the sole investor in the business and it may mean shouldering all the risk alone, but when your business starts generating income, it also means getting to solely enjoy the business's profits.

Obtain Lower Rates

Desperate times call for desperate measures and this could've been the reason why you've taken out a loan with outrageous rates in the past. But you don't need to continue suffering when there's an option to refinance.

Refinancing allows you to get rid of your old loan and replace it with a better one. Your mortgage refinance loan can come with lower rates, allowing you to breathe more easily because you know you can pay on time and maybe set aside a little more for savings.  Ask me for our current rate specials!!

Pay for Your Children's Education

Education is a costly matter. What you're earning each month may not be enough, but if you refinance your home mortgage, you'll have the means to put your child through college. After that, you'll just have to wait a few years more and then you can reap your rewards when your child returns the favour by paying off the loan. The table will turn and this time, your child will be the one supporting you!

Are You Prepared for Emergencies?

There's no way to know when emergencies can take place but things tend to get better when you're prepared for them.

Pay Off Your Debts

Revolving debts are the worst and credit cards are the classic source for them. Refinancing your home mortgage to pay off such debts will be a smart decision on your part. These debts charge exorbitant interest rates but do not offer anything in return as they're not investments able to earn profit. They only serve to eat more and more of your income especially when you can't pay on time.

Worse, having too many of such debts can only spell bad things for your credit rating. If you want to free yourself from debts, credit cards should be the first thing to go. Take the first step to financial freedom by refinancing your home mortgage.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Think Green for Your Home Renovations

Home renovations can be a great way to improve your home's value or make your home a more liveable place. Within the construction industry environmentally-friendly products are fast becoming a popular way for homeowners to make their home a greener place, as well as to do their part for the planet. Here are a few tips you can use to think green in your home renovation projects.

If you are repainting a room or your entire home, use an environmentally-friendly latex paint. Be sure you let leftover paints dry before disposing of them, and do not dump paint down the drain.

Consider wood floors rather than carpets, and be sure they are from a forest source that uses renewable lumber practices. Wood floors are also easier to clean and require less maintenance.

Be sure you replace all appliances and hot water heaters with energy efficient models.

Consider installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources rather than replacing existing ones. There are government programs that can make this an affordable option.

For bathroom and kitchen renovations, install plumbing fixtures that will reduce your water consumption, such as dual-flush toilets and low-flow showerheads.

Consider using materials and supplies that have been salvaged. There are a growing number of businesses that offer used construction materials, and supporting them means less waste in our landfills. It can also be an affordable way to get quality materials or antique fittings for your home.

For larger jobs, be sure you hire a contractor who is familiar with green renovations and can offer you green products at a fair price. Asking for references is always a good idea.

Pictures of your family trips, special events, and everyday life will bring your newsletter stories to life. Once you have chosen a picture, place it close to the story. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.